We have modified our system so that customers in Japan can purchase our products.
However, please note that the site is only available in English.
If you live in Japan and want to purchase artwork on this site in Japanese, please contact us using the contact form or email us at and we will be happy to assist you. (We will respond in Japanese).
We will use a domestic shipping company for the delivery of any purchases.
(In principle, shipping within Japan is free of charge.)
If you would like to see the artwork in person before purchase, please get in touch with us and we arrange a time for you to visit us and see it at our office.
(We are sorry, but we cannot take the artwork to other locations.)
Kogei Art KYOTOサイトへお越しいただきありがとうございます。
Kogei Art KYOTOは、京都から世界に向けて京都の工芸美術の素晴らしさを発信し、その中から厳選した作品をオンラインで販売するサイトです。